The table below outlines the differences in features between the Client-Side and Server-Side signatures:
NOTE: Client-Side functionality varies between different versions of the Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent. If you would like more information, see Differences between Exclaimer Cloud Outlook Add-in and Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent.
Feature |
Client-side |
Server-side |
See and select your signatures from your email client |
Yes | No |
Apply signatures to emails sent from any device and mail client | No | Yes |
HTML Signatures | Yes | Yes |
Plain Text Signatures | No | No (Plain text emails are automatically converted to HTML) |
Yes | Yes | |
Web-hosted Images | Yes | Yes |
Personal signatures when sending as shared mailboxes | Yes (Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent only) | Yes (Send-on-behalf permissions only) |
Background images with hyperlinks | Yes (Outlook Add-in only) | Yes |
Additional attributes | Yes | Yes |
User Photos | Yes | Yes |
Sent Items are updated with Signature | Yes | Yes |
Send on Behalf - Choice of Sender or Shared Mailbox Signature | Yes (Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent only) | Yes |
Alias Addresses | Yes (Outlook Add-in only) | Yes |
Apply Recipient Settings Client-Side | Yes (Outlook Add-in only) | N/A |
Prevent users from changing signature options (Outlook for Windows only) | Yes (Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent only) | No |
Remove all existing signatures from Outlook(Desktop Outlook only) | Yes (Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent only) | No |
Recipient Email Addresses in Feedback Analytics | Yes (Outlook Add-in only) | No |
Click Tracking Analytics | Yes | Yes |
Other Analytics Features | Yes (Where email is routed to Exclaimer Cloud) | Yes |
Signature Rules Tester | Yes | Yes |
Diagnostic Logs | Yes | Yes |
Seamless Single Sign-On | Yes | N/A |
Requires Outlook Restart | No (Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent requires Outlook restart on occasion) | No |
Works for users with on-premises mailboxes | Yes | Yes (requires Exchange On-Premises) |
Signature Date/Time | Yes | Yes |
Subject line triggers (Advanced Signature Rules) | No | Yes |
Body text exceptions (Advanced Signature Rules) | No | Yes |
Different signature for new messages and replies/forwards | Yes | Yes |
Append multiple signatures on the same email | No | Yes |
Headline Content | Yes (Outlook Add-in only) | No |
Salesforce Contacts |
Yes | Yes |