You want to add a personalized vCard containing profile information to your email signature.
You can add a vCard to your signature via QR code.
WARNING: Exclaimer does not support the direct use of .vcf files - all vCards must be linked to via a QR code and cannot be embedded into a signature.
Pro Plan feature: Personalized vCards are only available in Pro Plan. For more information on pricing plans, see Exclaimer Pricing Plans.
To link a vCard to a QR code:
- Add a QR code to your signature and select Personalized vCard in the QR code window.
The Personalized vCard option in the QR Code window.
Tip! The information that appears in a Personalized vCard can be specified using the Exclaimer User Details Editor. - Select OK to add the QR code to your signature. When a user scans this QR code, it will connect them to your vCard.
For more information on using QR codes, see Working with the QR code signature element.