Exclaimer Signature Designer helps you design customized signatures to suit your organization's requirements. Whether you have added a new 'blank' signature and wish to design from first principles, or you are starting with an existing template - the design techniques are the same:
- Add signature elements (from the Toolbox) to your email signature simply by dragging and dropping them onto the signature design.
If you wish to remove an element from your signature design, simply drag it off the canvas and drop it anywhere in the (whitish-grey) background.
- Define the properties of the elements added to your signature. Each element has its own set of properties, but the signature elements, such as Address {Fields}, Contact {Fields}, Personal {Fields}, All {Fields} or Social Media Strip are groups of individual fields, and they inherit group properties.
For more information, see Understanding hierarchies and inheritance.
- See a preview of how your signature design will look in real-time in the preview pane.
- Click Save Changes to save any changes you've made to the signature.
Signature Elements
As required, you can add the following to your email signature:
Text & Fields |
Social Media |
Social Feeds |
Legal & Compliance |
Tables |
Images & Icons |
Calendars |
QR Codes |
Feedback |
Text | Social Media Strip | Facebook Feed |
Legal Disclaimer |
Table |
Image/Logo |
Microsoft Bookings | QR Code | Feedback |
Address {Field} | Social Media Icon | LinkedIn Feed | Registered Office |
Banner |
Calendly | |||
Personal {Fields} | User Photo | Chili Piper | ||||||
Contact {Fields} | Rotating Banner | |||||||
All {Fields} | Icons |
When you work in the Exclaimer Signature Designer, you will see several colored lines when designing your signature template - each line represents borders, and each border represents a specific signature element. For more information, see Colored borders, grouping, and inherit properties in the Signature Designer.
Once you have successfully completed your signature design, you can Manage signature rules. This allows you to review and update the rules applied, for the selected signature, to target specific senders and recipients.
Have you got a question? Please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.