The Signature Designer is where you build and edit your signatures. Here you can add and customize elements to design your template and preview your signature.
The Signature Designer. Each number in the image corresponds to a section. Each section is described in the table.
The following table outlines the functionalities available in each section of the Signature Designer:
Signature name |
Select the pencil icon ![]() |
Toolbox |
Contains the signature elements that are used to build your signature.
Elements are grouped into sections. Select a section to expand it and view the individual elements. The different sections are: Text & Fields, Social Media, Legal & Compliance, Tables, Images & Icons, Calendars, QR codes, and Feedback. NOTE: The associated Feedback and QR codes elements are available on Pro plans only. If you are on a Standard or Starter plan, these elements do not appear in your Toolbox. For more information, see Exclaimer pricing plans.
For information on how to use each individual element, see the articles in our Edit Signature Design section.
To add a signature element to your signature, drag and drop it from the Toolbox onto the signature canvas. |
Canvas |
The canvas is where the signature elements are constructed into your signature design. If you created a signature from an Exclaimer template or you are editing an existing email signature, then the canvas will display the current design. The design of an Exclaimer signature template is structured with square and rectangular sections. These sections form the layout of your design and you can use them to contain different combinations of elements to customize your signature. Each element, section, and table is bordered by colored lines to show how the different areas are arranged. Selecting a border selects everything within the area the border outlines. For more information on what each colored border represents, see Colored borders in Exclaimer Signature Designer. To control the section layout of a blank signature, add tables before adding signature elements. For more information on building tables for layouts, see How to create a signature using tables.
Customize your signature design by adding or removing signature elements from the Toolbox: Select the HEADLINE CONTENT button to create headers for your emails. This opens a new section on the canvas for designs that are displayed above the body of an email. |
Preview pane |
Displays a preview of how the signature will appear in deployment. The preview is updated as you edit the design. If you have added {Fields} elements, you can preview how the signature will look for various users by entering a user in the search bar above the signature preview. This populates the {Fields} elements using the selected user's synchronized data. For more information on using {Fields} elements to automatically populate a signature with user data, see our {Fields} element articles. To close the Preview pane, select the arrow button. Select the arrow again to reopen the pane. To resize the Preview pane, select the top edge and drag the pane up or down. For an in-depth preview of how a signature is deployed, use the Signatures Tester. |
Properties pane |
Displays the properties of the selected element. Properties include editing tools for each element, such as font and typeface settings, hyperlinks, spacing values, borders, backgrounds, and the Delete function.
The available properties vary for each element. For more information on editing individual element properties, see the Defining element properties section of the appropriate element article. |
Action buttons |
Select Undo to undo actions. |