You are designing a signature within Exclaimer's signature editor and you wish to add a line between two or more sections of your design.
Adding borders is a great way to separate the (signature) elements in your email signature. You can add a border to a table cell - to all four sides of a cell at the same time, or each side separately.
For this scenario, let's assume you wish to add a border to separate the Contact details fields from the Display Name and Company logo.
NOTE: The steps described here assume that you are already familiar with creating an email signature. For more information, see how you can create an email signature.
To add a border:
- Within Exclaimer, from the left-hand pane, click Signatures then from the right-hand pane, select the All Signatures tab.
- From the signatures list, click EDIT DESIGN against the signature whose design you wish to edit.
The Signature Designer is opened.
- Select the outer layer of the contact fields.
- From the right-hand pane, expand the Border option.
- Untick All the Same option.
- As required, edit the Left, Right, Top and Bottom options.
For this scenario, we have added 1 px to the Left and Right of the Contact Details table. We have updated the colour of the line to #e21e1e.
- Click SAVE CHANGES to save the changes made.
If you wish to add more space between the (signature) elements in your signature then you can add padding. Padding creates a space between the signature elements and make your signature clearer and more impactful.
To add padding to the updated border:
- Select the outer layer of the contact fields.
- From the right-hand pane, expand the Padding option.
- Untick All the Same option.
- As required, update the values.
For this scenario, on Left, we have added 20 px then press [Enter].
Automatically, the changes are reflected in the signature design.
- Click SAVE CHANGES to save the changes made.