Background color is applied to a cell or table using the Properties pane.
Background image is an image file you upload to the template using the Image/Logo element.
When designing your signature template, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of using a background image vs background color.
Pros | Cons | |
Background image |
Background color |
For example, you have a two-tone design with elements overlaying the colored section:
Example image showing two-tone signature.
- If you want to make an element overlap both colors, then you will need to use a background image. You can then overlay other elements on the image to control the positioning.
Example image showing back ground image used.
- However, if you place your element over one color only, you can add a background color to the table or cell that holds the element, as there is no need for overlap. You will still need to use tables to lay out the information the way it is.
Example image showing the top half with a background color set in the table cells.