You have multiple elements of signature content that you want to apply in different scenarios to different recipients without building multiple complete signatures with duplicate content.
You can create different combinations of signature content by stacking available signatures. Stacking signatures allows you to customize which elements are applied to which recipients without creating high volumes of variable signatures. For example, you can stack a legal disclaimer that pertains to multiple groups of users with a header that pertains to an overlapping group of other users.
We recommend: Create your signature with each variable element as separate signature templates. For example: a header in one signature template, main content in another, and a disclaimer in another. This will reduce the time required to edit their content in the future. You can apply rules to a specific signature template without affecting the main signature.
NOTE: If you stack templates to form a complete signature, they are counted as separate templates. A Standard pricing plan allows a maximum of 10 signature templates. To maximize the use of the signature stacking functionality, upgrade to the Pro plan. For more information on pricing plans, see Exclaimer Pricing Plans.
Select an option below to view the related instructions:
Stacking Server-Side signatures
To stack Server-Side signatures:
- Within the Signature Designer, create separate templates containing each piece of variable content.
For example, if using a header, main content, and a disclaimer, create one template containing only the header, another containing the main body of the signature, and a third containing the disclaimer.
Three templates, each containing one element that will be stacked with varying others, displayed in the All Signatures tab.
- In the Signatures pane, select the Re-order tab to re-arrange the signature templates in the order you want to stack them.
The system processes signatures from top to bottom, as displayed in the All Signatures tab.
For more information, see how to re-order the signatures.
The Re-order tab. Drag and drop your signatures to re-order them. - From the All Signatures list, select MANAGE next to one of your templates.
Select the MANAGE button next to a signature. -
Open the Enable tab and select the Apply to emails from all devices, including mobiles checkbox. This enables the signature for Server-Side deployment. The status changes from 'Not Enabled' to 'Enabled'.
To disable the signature, deselect the checkbox.
- Under If this signature is applied, select Process the next signature.
Select the Process the next signature radio button to apply the next signature in the list, creating a stack.
Repeat the above steps (steps 3 - 11) for each template you created.
For the last template, select Do not process the next signature.
Warning! Only select this option if this is the last signature in the stack. No further signatures will be appended after this one and your stack will be incomplete.
Select the Do not process the next signature radio button to stop stacking more signatures after this one.
Once you update the signature templates, you can verify the rules attached to them on the signature card.
Stacking Client-Side signatures
To stack Client-Side signatures:
- Within the Signature Designer, create separate templates containing each piece of content.
For example, if using a header, main content, and a disclaimer, create one template containing only the header, another containing the main body of the signature, and a third containing the disclaimer.
Three templates, each containing one element that will be stacked with varying others, displayed in the All Signatures tab. - In the Signatures pane, select the Re-order tab to re-arrange the signature templates in the order you want to stack them.
The system processes signatures from top to bottom, as displayed in the All Signatures tab.
For more information, see how to re-order the signatures.
The Re-order tab. Drag and drop your signatures to re-order them. - From the All Signatures list, select MANAGE next to your first signature.
Select the MANAGE button next to a signature.
Open the Enable tab and select the See before you send in Outlook (Windows, Web and MacOS) and Apple Mail checkbox. This enables your signagture for Client-Side deployment. The status changes from 'Not Enabled' to 'Enabled'.
To disable the signature, deselect the checkbox.
- If this signature is NOT the first signature in the stack, select the Append after existing signature checkbox under Append to existing signature deployed to Outlook.
Warning! Do not select this checkbox if this is the first signature in the stack. This setting appends the signature to a previous signature and will not work for your first stacked template.
Select Append after existing signature to stack this signature AFTER a previously-applied template.
- Under If this signature is deployed, select Check for further Append signatures. Any other signatures with Append to existing signature applied will be stacked.
Select Check for further Append signatures to stack further signatures after this one.
NOTE: You can append a maximum of ten additional signatures to a signature.
One email can contain a maximum of 11 templates: one original signature + ten appended signatures. - Repeat the above steps for each template you created. For the last signature, select Do not check for further Append signatures.
Select Do not check for further Append signatures to stop stacking more signatures after this one. No more signatures will be stacked, even if they have Append enabled.
Warning! Only select this option if this is the last signature in the stack. No further signatures will be appended after this one and your stack will be incomplete. - Select SAVE CHANGES.
Once you update the signature templates, you can verify the rules attached to them on the signature card.