In the Signature Designer, different sections and elements of the template are marked by different coloured borders.
A sample template. There are several coloured borders surrounding the elements, in various levels of nesting.
These borders help you control how the elements in the template fit together, and how the properties of different elements are defined. Hover over a section, element, or border on the canvas to bold the line for easier viewing, and select a border to select everything contained within it.
The different borders
Templates contain the following border types:
The canvas border
The canvas border is a blue line that contains the entire signature canvas.
When you have created a new blank signature and no elements have been added, you have a blank canvas.
This is the first level of the signature template. It can also be referred to as the overall parent element, and any properties applied at this level are inherited by the signature elements that you add.
Element borders
You can, of course, define properties for any of the signature elements (also referred to as the children). This will override the inheritance from any of their parent elements. And as the structure evolves, other elements will become parents themselves.
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Table borders
You can define properties for the table as a whole (the parent) and/or for individual cells within it (also, any elements you add to the cells can inherit properties from the table cell, or have their own properties).
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Group borders
Some signature elements have a default parent/child hierarchy because they are groups of individual fields. When you add one of these elements, each of the individual fields inherits the properties of the group - so they will all look and behave in the same way.
However, you can select any individual field and apply their properties - this will override the group properties for this field. For example, you might add Address Fields but then select the ZipCode field to set its font style to bold.
click and drag - yes
Tip! If a border on an element or section is red, gold, or blue, you can drag-and-drop the section to other areas of the canvas.
Using bordered sections
To demonstrate how borders work in a signature, look at the example of a template below.
A screenshot of a sample template. The first image is the template on the canvas, and the second is how the template looks in an email.
Select a border to select everything within it. The border of the chosen element or section has a highlight and shadow to indicate what is selected.