The Legal Disclaimer element is a placeholder block of text that is added to an outgoing email to limit liability. It often appears at the bottom of an email and covers any and all liabilities for the product or service that you provide.
NOTE: To protect your business, it is highly advisable to use an appropriate legal disclaimer on your emails. It's simply not worth the risk. Email disclaimers will never provide you 100% protection against any legal action. Still, it makes sense to include disclaimers to provide an extra level of legal protection. Laws continually change, so you need to make sure that you keep up. The text included in your email disclaimer might work in one region but not another.
To include Legal Disclaimer in your email signature, simply drag and drop the Legal Disclaimer element.
How to access it?
To access the Legal Disclaimer signature element:
- Open the signature (in the Signature Designer) to which you wish to add the Legal Disclaimer element.
For more information, see how you can select a signature to edit.
- From the left-hand side toolbox, expand Legal & Compliance and select the Legal Disclaimer element.
Please click on the required options listed below to go through the detailed description:
Adding a Legal Disclaimer element
To add a Legal Disclaimer element to the signature:
- Drag and drop the Legal Disclaimer element at the required location on your canvas.
- The default Legal Disclaimer text is added at the required location.
Editing Legal Disclaimer text
To edit the legal disclaimer text:
- Click anywhere in the placeholder text and as required, edit the text.
As you update the content, the preview pane will immediately reflect the changes you have made.
Deleting the Legal Disclaimer signature element
To delete the Legal Disclaimer signature element:
- Select the outer border of the Legal Disclaimer signature element.
- From the right-hand side pane, click DELETE.
Defining text properties
To define the text properties to determine how the text will look in the signature:
- When you add or edit the Legal Disclaimer text, the Text pane is displayed on the right-hand side.
As required, edit the properties. For more information on the Text properties, see Text Elements.