You have set a font size for your signature template, but it is displaying at a different size in emails.
The Exclaimer Signature Designer offers both pixel (px) and point (pt) values for font sizes. Most mail clients, including Microsoft Outlook, render fonts in points (pt).
There is a difference between point values and pixel values; the numbers do not match. For instance, 14px is equivalent to 10.5pt, whereas 14pt is equivalent to 19px. This means that when you set a pixel value and your mail client converts the font size to points, the resulting text displays smaller than you expected.
For more information, see the comparison table in Pixel to Point conversions.
To allow for point values in signatures:
In the Signature Designer, select your text element.
- In the Properties pane, expand the Text properties.
Under Font Size, select either pixels (px) or points (pt) from the dropdown.
The px and pt values are found in the dropdown next to the Font Size entry field.
- Enter a font size value in the entry field depending on the appropriate px or pt value. Check our Pixel to Point conversion chart to check the equivalent size values for the different formats. For instance, if you wish to use size 12 font in pixels but your mail client displays pt, use 16px as that is equivalent to 12 in pt.
- Use the dropdown to change from px to pt or vice versa to see how your font size changes with the different formats.