You are using Exclaimer and designing your email signature template. You would like to add some space above and/or below your signature - so that there is some visible space between the email body and signature.
There can be a few reasons why there is no space above or below your email signature, such as:
- You didn't press the [Enter] key at the end of your email to create the extra space within the email content.
- Sometimes, Microsoft Outlook removes the extra line breaks to conserve space.
NOTE: The steps described here assume that you are already familiar with creating an email signature. For more information, see how you can create a signature.
To add space above and below your signature, we recommend you use padding.
- Select the golden yellow line of the table or the top-most green table cell or red group or the blue element.
NOTE: See what the colored borders within Exclaimer Signature Designer mean?
Example of a signature template in the Signature Designer
- From the Properties pane, expand the Padding section and unselect All the same option.
Expand the Padding section and unselect All the same option.
- Enter the padding values in Top.
- If required, add the padding values in Bottom as well.
For more information, see How you can add space between elements in your signature.
- Select Save Changes to save the changes made to the template.