You are using Exclaimer to add signatures to email messages. Separately, you are using a Microsoft 365 transport rule to append a disclaimer.
When sending an email, you notice that the disclaimer text is added twice, and the Exclaimer signature is added between the two disclaimers.
This issue occurs because when Exclaimer processes an email and passes it back to Microsoft 365 - the transport rule which adds the disclaimer is applied again.
You can follow any one of the two options described below:
Option 1: Define the required disclaimer text in Exclaimer
In doing so, Exclaimer appends the signature AND the disclaimer, so the Microsoft 365 transport rule becomes redundant.
Option 2: Add a condition to the Microsoft 365 transport rule
To complete the steps described below, you will need:
Microsoft 365 Global Administrator credentials
Microsoft 365 Global Administrator credentials
This involves adding a condition to the Microsoft 365 transport rule:
X-ExclaimerHostedSignatures-MessageProcessed header matches 'true'
With this an email will not process the disclaimer rule unless it has been processed by Exclaimer, the disclaimer is added after the email is processed by Cloud.
To do this, follow the steps below:
- Sign in to the Exchange Online admin portal ( as an Administrator.
The Exchange admin center is displayed.
- From the left-hand navigation menu, select Mail flow, then select Rules:
- Select and edit the transport rule, which is adding your disclaimer.
- Click add condition.
- From the drop-down list, select A message header… and then matches these text patterns.
NOTE: If you don't see all the options, look for a More options… link and click it.
- Click the Enter text… hyperlink.
- In the specify header name window, enter X-ExclaimerHostedSignatures-MessageProcessed and click OK.
- Click the Enter text patterns… hyperlink.
- In the specify words or phrases window, enter true (in lower case), then click the + symbol to add this word to the list.
- Click OK.
- Click Save to complete the setup for this rule.
CAUTION! It can take up to one hour for changes to the Transport Rule to become operational.