Using Exclaimer, you have created your signature template with all the required information and images. Your initial email looks correct, but when viewing the email in Apple Mail, either on a desktop or mobile device or tablet, the image overlays part of the signature or text in the disclaimer.
The Apple mail client is trying to use the Width and Height values set on the image(s) in the signature template while trying to revert the image(s) back to the native image size. Sometimes this can occur when sending an email from a mobile device and viewed on an Apple Mac and or Tablet.
To prevent this issue, you will need to ensure that the images used within your signature design are created at the required size for the signature template.
For example, your logo is created at 1000px by 1000px but the signature template requires the logo to be 100px by 100px in size.
Now, instead of re-sizing the image in the signature template, create the image at the required size - you can use Image Editing applications, such as Photoshop or Paint. NET.
Then upload the image to the signature template again.
For example, the original image is called "mylogo_original.png"; when you re-size the image, rename the image to "mylogo_100x100.png" - this allows you to identify the re-sized image quickly.