The Export feature allows you to export an Exclaimer signature to a .ExSig2 format.
NOTE: Exported signatures can only be used with Exclaimer products. They cannot be imported to any non-Exclaimer product.
How to access it
To access the Export option:
Log in to Exclaimer and select Signatures from the menu sidebar.
- In the signature card, select the vertical ellipsis menu to locate the Export button.
The Export button is found in the vertical ellipsis menu.Tip! You can also export a signature from the Manage screen. Select Export Signature from the Additional Actions section.
Exporting a signature
To export a copy of the signature template to your device:
- Select Export to export the selected signature. The .ExSig2 file is automatically downloaded to your device.
NOTE: You can only export one signature template at a time.