You are an Exclaimer reseller and need to transfer a customer to another reseller.
To raise a request to transfer:
- Navigate to or select Submit a request in the header of any knowledgebase page.
The Submit a request button as seen on the Home page.
- From the How can we help? drop-down, select Account Services.
The Account Services request screen.
- [Optional] Enter any emails to CC the request to.
- Enter a subject line in the Subject field.
- Enter your request in the Description field.
- From the What can we help with? drop-down, select Billing, then Change of billing - reseller.
- Enter the details in the resulting fields. The fields are:
Who is the end-user?
Subscription ID
Current Owner email
Who is the current reseller?
Who will the new reseller be?
Invoice contact
Payment schedule (drop-down)
Payment method (drop-down)
- [Optional] Add any supporting attachments by selecting or using drag-and-drop on the Add file or drop files here banner button.
NOTE: The Exclaimer Accounts department will verify that all invoices are clear before proceeding with the transfer. Make sure all outstanding payments have been settled to avoid any delays in the transfer process.
Once all the necessary information has been provided, invoices are cleared, and the Sub ID confirmation is received, then Exclaimer will process the transfer at the subscription renewal date. The customer's account will be moved from the current reseller to the new reseller.
NOTE: Throughout the transfer process, communicate with all parties involved and ensure their agreement and understanding of the steps involved. If any issues arise or if you require further assistance, raise a Support ticket.