This option allows an Exclaimer Administrator to re-authenticate Client-Side signatures so that the users have the correct permissions to sign-in to Exclaimer when using the Client-Side agents.
How to access it?
To access the 'Enable Signatures to be downloaded for Outlook and Apple Mail' option:
- From the left-hand pane, click Configuration, then select Outlook Signatures.
NOTES on Outlook Signatures:
- It is only available for Microsoft 365 users.
- It is visible only when you have configured Exclaimer - Signatures for Microsoft 365 for Client-Side signatures.
- It is not visible to users with the Editor role. For more information, see User Management. -
In the right-hand pane, under Enable Signatures to be downloaded for Outlook and Apple Mail, are all the relevant options.
Authorizing Client-Side signatures
To initiate Client-Side authorization:
- You are prompted to sign in to Microsoft 365 as a Global Administrator.
Once signed in, you are prompted to accept a permissions request with a list of permissions that Exclaimer will have when the Signatures for Outlook feature is enabled.
- Click Accept.
The Authorization Successful message is displayed:
Once the authorization is successful, users will be able to sign-in to the Client-Side agents to receive their signatures.