In this section, select how you wish to apply your email signatures.
As required, you can configure your subscription to use one option, a combination of options or all three options:
Apply to email from all devices including mobiles: This is also referred to as Server-Side signatures; it means that the signatures are applied after the email has been sent - you cannot view your email signature while composing the email messages. Signatures are applied to all email messages via Exclaimer's Cloud service, irrespective of which browser/device/email client is used.
- See before you send (Client-side): This is also referred to as Client-Side signatures; it means that you can view your email signature while composing the email messages in Outlook (and Apple Mail). The signatures are synchronized to the users' email client.
Exchange On-premises: This means that the signatures are applied after the message has been sent. Signatures are applied to all email messages via Exclaimer's Cloud service, irrespective of which browser/device/email client is used. You do not require a licensed Exchange Online mailbox to configure Exclaimer to utilize Server-Side signatures when all your mailboxes are hosted in your On-Premises Exchange environment.
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